International Medical Consultation

International Medical Consultation occurs remotely. This means your evaluation is conducted not just by one specialist but a team of expert multi-disciplinary physicians who practice at world-leading medical centers. These centers are renowned for their medical research advancements, cutting-edge treatments and the overall quality of their clinical outcomes.

Most people tend to shop around before making a major purchase but when it comes to their health and wellbeing, are less inclined to get a second opinion. Comparing medical advice is not about not trusting your physician or being in denial of your condition. In fact, many physicians agree that a medical second opinion adds value. It also gives you the confidence and peace of mind to know that you have done everything you can to ensure the best possible healthcare outcome for you or your loved ones.


jurisdiction in 5 continents

operating in 60+ countries

servicing customers in 152 countries

impacting millions of members

International Medical Consultation


Your International Medical Consultation evaluation occurs remotely. This means your evaluation is conducted not just by one specialist but a team of expert multi-disciplinary physicians who practice at world-leading medical centers. These centers are renowned for their medical research advancements, cutting-edge treatments and the overall quality of their clinical outcomes.

Digital Health

telemedicine image

Our online healthcare offering focuses on two services – Preventative Health Program and Telehealth to help prevent, treat and manage your health conditions. Instead of scheduling a visit to the doctor, we ‘send’ the doctor to you via our digital healthcare highway. Secure and convenient, an online visit can occur anywhere and at any time.

International Medical Concierge


Once your International Medical Consultation (IMC) takes place in your home country, a case manager from our clinical team takes you through your IMC review and guides you through the process of receiving treatment away from home. When you arrive at your medical treatment destination, we provide local assistance, and oversee the entire process in conjunction with your insurer.